PRESENT: Sardar Ahmed Khan (Asst chairman), Kaleem Khan(Gen. Secretary), Dr Khalid R Khan, Mr Younus Khan, Mr Tahir Ahmed, Qari Izhar Ahmed, Sardar A. Pasha, Mr Masood Mukhtar, Mr Tariq Masood, Mr Khalid Yamin Khan, Mr Shakeel Khan, Mr Tanzil Yousaf, Sardar Shamim Iqbal, Sardar Saleem Khan, Mr Zohraaz Khan, Mr Masoud Khan, Mr Saeed Khan, Mr A. Waheed Khan, Sardar M. Aslam Khan, Mr Tanveer Rafiq, Mr M. Shahzad Khan, Mr Naeem Khan, Mr Akeel Khan

APPOLOGIES : Sardar Yaqoob Khan Sahib, Mr Altaf Ahmed, Mr Qoyuum Khan.
The 28 th Annual General Meeting was held at Islamic Cultural Centre, 98, Greswolde Rd, Birmingham 11, on
9 th October 2016 under the chairmanship of Ahmed Khan Sahib. Previously local meetings were held
in North and Midland Zones. The meeting began with Tilawat Qluam Pak by Sardar Shamim Iqbal Sahib.

    The General Secretary read out and explained four main amendments from the last A.G.M for members
    present. These were: –
    1.1) In the interest of the whole membership, the Association agreed to continue with the funeral
    expenses limit of £2500 set in 2012.
    1.2) The Associations set a minimum cash balance limit of £30,000. If the Association finances fall below this
    figure at any time then the Management Committee can call a special A.G.M to consider the issue or call
    on ALL members to make special/additional contributions.
    1.3) The Association clarified the airfare of an accompanying relative when a member’s or a dependant’s
    body is transported to Pakistan. I.e. The Association will fund the total receipted cost up to a maximum
    limit of £2500.
    1.4) The members must be aware that all Local Authorities charge higher prices for burying non-residents of
    that Authority. The members must make their own financial arrangements for such eventualities. The
    Association cannot be held responsible for these extraordinary costs.
  2. ACCOUNTS FOR 2015
    The accounts for 2015 were presented in the meeting. These were previously checked and approved by
    the Auditor, Mr Khalid Yamin Khan Sahib. A separate account statement is enclosed.
    The Association’s annual contribution has remained unchanged for the past few years. The last 4/5 years
    have shown that the expenses are usually more than the income from members. Hence it was unanimously
    agreed to increase the annual contribution by ten pounds (£10.00). Therefore from 1 st January
    2017, the annual subscription will be forty pounds (£40). The subscription for member’s children
    between the ages 20 – 25 years remains unchanged.
    A Standing Order form is attached and members are urged to pay by this method. Those members
    already paying by Standing Order can simply amend the existing standing order at their Bank/Building
    Society and pay the revised amount.


    There has not been any significant increase in Association’s membership over the last few years. This means that
    the finances are more or less static and if this trend continues then the long term future of the Association does not
    look very healthy. Secondly, there are a significant number of members whose children (over the age of 20 years)
    have not been enrolled into the Association.
    The members present stressed that it is the duty of each member to enrol his/her children into the Association,
    make other Poonchies aware of the existence of the Association and try to recruit as many members as possible.
    In addition;
    4.1) The Association will consider to offer newly arrived Poonchies in the U.K an easier method of payment
    such as spreading the cost over a six month period as long as they agreed to pay by Standing Order ?
    4.2) Qari Izhar Ahmed Sahib and Tariq Masood Sahib already organise events for Sudhan Educational
    Conference and agreed to work with the Association’s Management Committee to make other
    Poonchies aware of the existence of the Association. It was also agreed that some promotional
    materials (e.g. a banner) may be required for this purpose and the Association will have to provide some
    funds for this purpose.
    4.3) The Zonal representatives will try to contact and recruit newly arrived Poonches in their zones, and the
    Association can compensate them for travelling fuel costs only.
    4.4) The Association’s Website will also aid the recruiting process.
    5.1) The issue of non Poonchi divorcee with dependent children from previous marriage marrying
    a Poonchi person is to be discussed in the next meeting.
    5.2) In order to update the records, every member is requested to supply names, date of births, and
    number of dependants to the General Secretary at your earliest convenience. These can be e-mailed
    or sent by text on the mobile number shown below.
    5.3) In order to minimise un-necessary paperwork and cut down on reminders, it is stressed that the
    annual subscription must be paid by standing order through banks or building societies.
    The members are requested to fill and submit the standing order form to their bank or building
    Society before 15 th December 2016.

The meeting concluded with the prayers.

Kaleem Khan – General Secretary
TEL: 0121 624 8542 (Mobile: 07788 172053)
E-Mail: kaleemkhan100257@gmail.com